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Influence of AI in the Fashion Industry

Influence of AI in the Fashion Industry

The already all-pervasive Artificial Intelligence (AI) has also reached the fashion industry. Within a short span, AI has proliferated across various areas of the fashion trade and become an integral aspect of the business. Per reports, global AI in fashion was valued between USD 265 and USD 275 million dollars in 2018. But come 2026, the technology may surpass the USD 3 billion mark!

While it is true that AI in fashion exhibits promising growth, what is driving the growth? Why has AI become the buzz in the fashion world? In other words, what value does AI add to fashion? As someone aspiring to become a fashion designer and looking for fashion designing course in Mumbai, India, overviewing the influence of AI in fashion can help enhance your understanding of the technology.

What is AI and its Application in Fashion?

AI involves simulating human intelligence processes via machines and particularly computer systems. In other words, one can describe AI as a machine’s ability to perform various cognitive functions that usually relate to human minds and intelligence. Accordingly, AI can support the automation of many tasks earlier done by humans and aid informed decision-making in various domains.

In fashion, AI’s significant role across multiple areas is associated with analysing the enormous amount of data from social media to enhance marketing campaigns, enabling retailers to identify consumer buying patterns and analyse them, improving the supply chain through its analytical capabilities and predictive prowess. Let’s look at some of AI’s roles in fashion, including the ones we mentioned.

How Does AI Add Value to Fashion?

How Does AI Add Value to Fashion?

While AI’s use in fashion is already extensive and growing further, here are four areas where AI delivers value to fashion players.

Supply Chain Management

Supply chains are often complex and widespread and have numerous players across every stage to manage. Failures at any of the supply chain’s levels can prove disastrous resulting in supply disruptions (regional, national or global), under or overstocking, etc., affecting business in its entirety. But AI proves a valuable asset!

AI models, which you can train with the help of historical inventory levels and sales performance can predict future sales. They can help business owners make informed decisions about stocking. The result is reduced waste, increased profits and enhanced customer satisfaction as customers can buy what they want and in the required numbers.

Designing Apparels

Design is another significant area where AI is making its impact in the fashion industry. AI algorithms have a crucial part to play in design. They can predict trends and analyse customer preferences, helping fashion players design what is potentially famous within their target market. Now, what does it result in? Businesses reduce the chance and risk of manufacturing something that wouldn't sell.

Individually and holistically, it saves time, effort and a lot of costs. Besides, by knowing what would sell or what wouldn’t, companies can stay ahead of the curve.

Social Media Marketing

Instinct-based marketing is history. Today, customers want to see and know and hear about what they want and in the way they like. AI plays a vital role here.

AI-powered marketing tools can help marketers analyse data to compute the best marketing strategies, target the right audience and optimise the advertising impact by delivering every segment personalised ads on its social media feed.

Thus, prospects see what they are looking for and something that could interest them. These focused and tech-driven efforts help brands increase the chances of conversion and expedite sales while enhancing brand identity and image in the long run.


The concern for sustainability is growing in the fashion industry. AI is proving helpful here. It helps companies analyse data on materials, supply chains and production processes. AI algorithms can also help them identify areas where they can enhance their sustainability quotient. For instance, apparel manufacturers can use more environment-friendly materials or adopt eco-friendly production processes that reduce waste.

What are AI’s Drawbacks in the Fashion Industry?

AI has some drawbacks as well. Let’s look at them.

Rendering Humans Redundant

Human resources are one of the fashion industry’s biggest strengths. It is the human touch that drives success to a significant extent. AI renders human designers, marketers, etc., almost redundant. It can lead to massive job losses creating unemployment.

Reduced Creativity and Personalisation

Initially, it could be tempting to create quick designs through AI. But over a while, designs might turn monotonous and less creative. It can directly impact the quality and popularity of products, affecting the fashion business in its entirety and in the long run.

Lack of Improvement with Experience

AI cannot improve with experience. The machines will continue performing tasks in the same way unless you command them differently.


AI has its unique set of pros and cons. But which technology doesn’t? Technology is always considered a disruptive phenomenon. What matters is how you deal with it and the balance between machine abilities and human capabilities.

Aspirants, we hope you got enough insights to understand the basics of AI’s role in fashion. For industry-oriented fashion designing courses, enrol in INIFD Borivali, one of the best fashion design institutes in Mumbai. Check new Blog: How to Style a Specific Trend?

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