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Because Fashion Can Exist Responsibly - Sustainable Fashion

The fashion industry’s notoriety concerning the environment is well-known. The amount of resources the industry uses to create clothes, only to help its users stay in fashion, is considerably high – rather, massive! The fashion industry cannot embrace sustainability – we don’t say it but many in the world believe. But with the right, focused and consistent efforts at the micro and macro scale, the fashion industry can exist responsibly. Let’s overview some ways through which fashion players can embrace sustainability.

Because Fashion Can Exist Responsibly - Sustainable Fashion

Use of Sustainable Material

Using sustainable (environment-friendly) material is one of the first steps that textile manufacturers worldwide should take toward achieving sustainability. Sustainable materials refer to those originating from renewable resources. They do not cause damage to the environment when produced or disposed of. Thus, these materials have a less significant impact on land, water, and habitat. Besides, they help contribute to an appreciable reduction in CO2 emissions in the long run.

However, one shouldn’t expect a paradigm shift overnight. Many fashion players globally are trying to switch to sustainable materials to the highest possible extent. But it is something that will take time to materialise on a global scale.

Safeguard the World’s Biodiversity

Biodiversity destruction is another critical concern people accuse the fashion industry of. And it is true to quite an extent, especially considering the type of raw materials the fashion industry uses and the resources it consumes. Accordingly, fashion brands should have biodiversity conservation as one of their agendas while producing clothes.

Biodiversity constitutes the source of various resources for the fashion industry. Also, it helps protect us against climate change. Thus, fashion players should ensure their supply chains support biodiversity. They should check the source of the material and promote biodiversity conservation and sustainability practices within their suppliers.

Avoid the Use of Harmful Chemicals

Chemicals are necessary for textile production. But using them excessively, without any concerns for environmental conservation and without exploring sustainable alternatives, isn’t the right thing to do. Fashion manufacturers should minimise their use of harmful chemicals in the supply chain. While helping them reduce the production cost, it can also lower the environmental impact of their products.

Fashion players can achieve this by selecting suppliers specifying the chemicals they use and ensuring they use harmless chemicals. Such a step can help reduce the environmental impact and, in a way, save people and the planet.

Reduce Water Consumption

The fashion industry consumes a gargantuan amount of water to produce even a single piece of clothing. From growing cotton to actual manufacturing producing a single pair of blue jeans can consume up to 9,000-10,000 litres of water!

And that doesn’t factor in the water that will be required to wash the jeans over the next few years until the user uses the pair of jeans. Imagine the amount of water consumed by the millions of jeans produced every day!

But that’s not it. You have so many other types of clothing requiring a considerable amount of water, if not equal, from raw material growth to production!

Ensure Fair Wages and Treatment for Labour

In fashion, sustainability isn’t only about the environment. It is also about being responsible and human towards the people working in it. The most dreadful situation is that of the ground workforce involved in producing various types of clothing. Despite working 16-18 hours a day, many do not get paid fairly and on time. They work in unsafe and unhygienic conditions that can expose them to various diseases in the long run and at the same time put their lives at risk.

Fashion manufacturers should consider their situation seriously and take measures to improve their conditions. They should limit their shift timings to eight hours a day, pay them fairly and on time and provide safe working conditions.

One of the keys to doing it is to limit production. However, if the demand is high, how can you expect apparel manufacturers to confine production? Accordingly, some share of responsibility also goes to consumers, who should limit shopping and buy only as much as required. Besides, indulging in recycling and reusing old garments can also help them contribute their bit to the fashion industry’s sustainability.

Therefore, helping fashion exist responsibly is a collaborative effort and not merely the responsibility of apparel manufacturers (although they have a larger role to play). And yes, it would take time. But steps today can help create a better and brighter future for the fashion industry and the planet. Apply now to INIFD for designing courses in mumbai. You May also like other blog: How Sustainable Fashion Help

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