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How to Style a Specific Trend?

Perhaps, not documented anywhere, but you have two types of fashion designers in the world – those who follow trends and the ones who set them. Your interest in knowing how to style a specific trend signifies you aspire to become a trendsetting fashion designer and take the fashion world by storm with your innovative designs. If that’s the case, you’ve come to the right place! As one of the leading fashion design Design Course in Borivali, Mumbai, we explain how to style a specific trend in this blog.

How to Style a Specific Trend?

The Evolving World of Fashion – Becoming a Trendsetter isn’t a Cakewalk!

While it is exciting to style a particular trend and become a trendsetter, becoming and remaining one isn’t child’s play. It takes years of perseverance, dedication and experience to become someone who can change the market with their fresh designs.

Remember, there’s so much to be done in the fashion world. But there’s a lot that has already been done in the past. So, merely copying something from the past and leveraging it today wouldn’t work. Your designs will have to be genuinely innovative! Besides, they should resonate with the target audience and allow practical use. Even better, in fact, much more desirable is having a solid commercial value attached to them.

Styling a trend demands a significant amount of effort, research, and initiative to introduce something new in the market. Of course, no one will immediately invest in your design the moment you enter the industry. Hence, the key is to gain enough experience, stay abreast of what’s happening around you, seek inspiration from everything you see, research extensively and be experimental. Let’s look at some potential ways through which you can style a specific trend.

Styling a Specific Trend – 4 Ways to Do it

Here are four ways through which you can style a specific trend.

Paying Attention to Current Trends

Paying Attention to Current Trends

Fashion is a highly dynamic sector where trends emerge and vanish. So, what you see today might not necessarily be valid after a few days!

Accordingly, you should mindfully watch current trends and if possible, research emerging ones to place yourself at the vanguard of the future.

Remember, it would prove practically futile to style a particular trend if people turn a blind eye towards it and if it doesn’t result in any commercial value.

Hence, what’s essential here is to know what people want through research and interaction. All of it can channelise your efforts and help you do something useful.

Following Your Favourite Designer

Following Your Favourite Designer

Although the idea is not to copy anyone, you may seek inspiration from your favourite designer. Following them can serve as a source of unique ideas that can journey you to the limelight. However, it isn’t only the designer’s designs but other aspects like their approach, attention to detail, thought process, etc. It is about learning from them and building a distinct identity that sets you apart in the market.

Besides the above, you would also want to determine your area of interest. For instance, if you love prints, you may experiment with them. On the other hand, if vintage designs catch your fancy and you look forward to reviving them, you may scan, study and design them with a contemporary flavour without losing the vintage essence.

Staying Abreast of the Latest Fashion News

As mentioned above, the fashion world is a happening realm of possibilities, experiments, trends and so much more. With a new trend emerging across the fashion landscape, every fashion designer must know what’s happening in the fashion world and learn from everything to apply it at work.

You may stay abreast of the latest fashion news through newspapers, magazines, digital fashion journals, social media and many other mediums. The more updated you are, the better from the competency perspective.

Scoping Out Trends in the Streets

As an aspiring trendsetting fashion designer, you shouldn’t ignore anything you see whether on the internet or the streets. There’s so much from which you can get inspired and innovate. Every piece of clothing you see is part of a trend, no matter whether current or outdated. The purpose of being observant is to learn from it and leverage it while creating potentially trendy designs.

Being a Responsible Fashion Trendsetter

Being a responsible fashion trendsetter refers to integrating sustainability into your designs. You should remember that it is you, as the fashion designer, who will significantly drive the production process through your designs, recommended fabric, etc. The fashion industry is already infamous on the environmental front. You wouldn’t want to worsen its reputation but make more responsible designs that promote sustainable manufacturing and ensure minimal use of resources.

Prepare to Transform into a Unique Fashion Designer with INIFD, Borivali!

Venture into the fashion world with confidence and the potential of becoming a trendsetter with INIFD, Borivali, one of the leading fashion design colleges in Mumbai. Our updated course curriculum, experienced faculty members, celebrity mentors, extensive workshops, global exposure and placement assistance help strengthen your career and empower you with the capabilities to embark on the road to success.

Please call us at +91 99305 90722 to learn more about our fashion design courses. You can read more: Influence of AI in the Fashion Industry.

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